The Flowmaster 250 measures the flow rate and the pressure at every water drawing off point and produces verifiable reports
Technical data Flowmaster DIGITAL
(EN ISO 12100-1, EN ISO 12100-2, EN 60204)
Flow meter:
Electronic pressure sensor
The Portable Hydrant Meter meters are supplied fitted with an ABB AquaMaster battery powered electromagnetic flowmeter and are the first truly electronic Portable Hydrant Meter flowmeter.
With no mechanical moving parts the AquaMaster flowmeter has eliminated the problems associated with mechanical meters, these being damage caused by iron and other particles frequently found in water which cause blockages, wear and tear which in turn affect the accuracy of the measured data.
We supply two versions of the Portable Hydrant Meter Meter, these being a vertically mounted and horizontally mounted design. Both versions have an integrally mounted display unit with in-built datalogger as standard.
The AquaMaster display unit has an easy to read LCD display showing flowrate, totalisers, velocity and alarm condition. Flow units are site selectable to suit the customers requirements.
Typical applications for the Portable Hydrant Meter meters are where water usage needs to be accurately calculated and regulated, mains flushing and checking adequate flowrates, i.e. fire mains, breaking down large DMA’s (using waste meter points) and for checking the accuracy of in-line DMA meters
The transmitter has the option of a dual pulse output for use with a remote reading device if required.
If you're interested in our Portable Hydrant Meter Meters please get in touch on 01453 887449 or